Monday 25 October 2010


I found setting up the flickr account quite simple but like other people I now have quite a few email addresses.
I can see how sites like Flickr and YouTube can be really useful for personal and professional use.  There have been quite a few times recently where I have been asked if I could send a YouTube link of me performing to send to potential employers.  I have also used it to look at previous work of a choreographer who offered me work, and made my decision on what I saw on YouTube.

1 comment:

  1. Flickr is a really interesting case in terms of professional networking. Many of the firms that manage photography use Flickr as a 'digital business card' of their work, or as a way of selling the digital rights to the photos. On the other hand, there was a case in Australia a few years back when Virgin Mobile used images from Flickr in their advertising. The way you therefore tag your pics, set the privacy and copyright settings all represent additional professional practices skills that go along with user generated content
