Wednesday 29 December 2010

3a – Current Networks

Networking is something that normally fills me with dread because I associate it having to be ruthless and selling yourself in a “cringey” sort of way.  But after looking at my networking tools for this course I realise it is a natural thing to network I just don’t exploit it or use it to my own personal advantage.  I network without thinking about it more than I thought.
The current tools I use to network:
·         Internet – Facebook, casting websites
·         Email – hotmail
·         Phone – mobile, landline & Skype
o   Talking
o   texting
·         121 meetings
·         Papers
·         Parties/events/conventions
·         Classes
Things that others use that I should think about using:
·         Twitter
·         Blogs
·         Personal web sites
·         Teaching/coaching/presentations
·         Choreographing
·         Linked in
·         Friends reunited
·         My space
·         You tube
The things I use socially that might help me develop my network more are things like facebook.  I do not use all the facilities available at the moment to market myself.  More casting agents and audition sites are advertising on facebook and it is something I am trying to utilise more to help me.  I also think I could socialise more after a class with different types of people, go to different classes than my ‘norm’ to broaden my network groups.  Another thing I thought about the other day, was making time to attend my friends events and their friends events.  The few I have attended have been fun and informative.  I have normally learnt something new e.g. new producer , play and I have met and talked to new people.
Reflecting on networking, I thought about other people’s motives.  An obvious one is self gain, to help them find work, be considered for future work, be ahead of the game and know what’s currently happening or coming up.  I get the impression that some people are gifted sales people and use the network to sell themselves, good on them!  I have made friends with people I have worked with and so many of them network just to socialise.  I do enjoy being part of a group with similar outlooks.

‘with a network of support that will help us when we are in need’ (crisp & turner 2007 pp266)
I can relate to that and agree with it, it’s nice to feel safe and part of a group.
Within my network, I have worked with choreographers who have later been helpful to me with no obvious benefit for themselves other than just being nice.  After talking about this, it was pointed out to me that the benefit was merely paid forward by myself.  I had helped the choreographer by being a good member of her team and that made her want to help me later on.   The reader talks of ‘Sovial Constructionism’ which I think relates to this. 
My ideal network  would have many branches e.g. it would be good to directly network with casting agents  rather than go through my agent.  It would result in job offers directly based on my reputation and provide me with contacts where I could develop and grow as a professional.  My ideal network would help others as much if not more than it helped me.
Looking and reflecting on my current networking I think I need to branch out and use the opportunity to market myself more. (I have been researching about self image and marketing and will blog this separately.  I could also make more use of the tools available:
·         Take new classes to learn new skills (meeting new people)
·         Explore the functions of the web base tools e.g. personal web site
·         Be more disciplined about checking sites and creating sites
·         Investigate and attend more diverse conventions/conferences/events
A bit of a strange question what do I not know; however, I do know that by exploring and trying new things I will realise what I didn’t know.


  1. Hi Pearl,

    The idea of your ideal network having many branches is interesting - like you said it gives your more opportunity to mark yourself and ultimately open many new doors. It's pretty amazing to think what you can ultimately gain from 'networking'.

    Great ending; so true too! I'm sure we will look back thinking we knew quite a lot and realising what we didn't.


  2. I understand your reference to selling yourself as "cringy". I want to be seen as professional and not desperate or over the top. How far is too far? I wonder if some people are aware of others perception of them. There are a lot of outrageous extrovert people about and there’s always a few at auditions. Have you ever wondered if they are aware of the impression they give or possible just don't care. We all want to be noticed but for me a more subtle approach is preferred. I like your idea of natural networking rather than exploiting it for personal gain which I believe would be short lived. There’s only so long you can take people for granted before they don't want to help you any more. I’ve tried to keep a certain amount of respect for others when networking I think this is a useful skill to have. An Interesting approach thank you Pearl.
